Federal University of Paraná

Federal University of Paraná
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Motto Scientia et Labor
Motto in English Science and Work
Established 1912
Type Public (federal)
Rector Zaki Akel Sobrinho
Academic staff 2,066
Admin. staff 3,704
Undergraduates 22,460
Postgraduates 8,311
Location Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Former names Universidade do Paraná
Nickname UFPR
Website http://www.ufpr.br

Federal University of Paraná[1] (Portuguese: Universidade Federal do Paraná) is a university headquartered in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.

Established on December 19, 1912 and initially named as Universidade do Paraná (University of Paraná), the Universidade Federal do ParanáUFPR (Federal University of Paraná) is regarded as the oldest Brazilian university.

In 1920, the federal government split the university into separate colleges until 1946. In 1951, it became a federal public university and began to offer higher level education free of charges.

Nowadays, its facilities are scattered over the capital Curitiba and other cities of the State of Paraná. It offers 88 options of graduation courses, 124 "lato sensu" degrees, 52 master degrees and 35 doctoral programs.[2] Since 2004, the University has been adopting in its vestibular a program in which twenty percent of the places offered are destined to students coming from public schools and another twenty percent are reserved for Afro-Brazilians. In both situations, documentation to confirm the situation are required, including an interview with an internal board of the University in the latter.

As of 2008, the rector Carlos Augusto Moreira Júnior resigned on June 29 to run as a candidate for Curitiba's mayorship. Because of that, the then vice-rector Márcia Helena Mendonça assumed as an interin Rector (Vice-rector in exercise of rectorship).[3]

The election for the new rector, that was due to September 10,[4] resulted in the victory of Zaki Akel Sobrinho, D.Sc. in Administration from Universidade de São Paulo,[5] and now the Rector, and Rogerio Andrade Mulinari, D.Sc. in Medicine from Universidade Federal de São Paulo, and with a Post-Doc from Boston University,[6] now the Vice-Rector of UFPR.[7]



In 1892, José Francisco da Rocha Pombo, an intellectual of the state of Paraná would have initiated the construction of the University, but its project was frustrated by the Federalist Movement.

Twenty years later, Paraná had a reduced number of intellectuals (nine doctors and four engineers), but it was in true development because of the production of the yerba mate.

Moreover, at this time, the Contestado War appeared as an incentive to the efforts of political leaderships concerning the creation of a university. In this context, Victor Ferreira do Amaral, deputy and director of public instruction of Paraná, started the effective creation of the University.

On December 19, 1912 the University was established and, in 1913, it has initiated its activities as a private institution in an old building situated on Comendador Araújo street. The first courses offered were Juridical and Social Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Surgery, Commerce, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Obstetrics. After the establishment of the University, Victor Ferreira do Amaral, who was also its first president, initiated the construction of a central building in a land donated by the municipal government.

Due to the economic recession caused by the World War I, difficulties started to appear. In 1920, a federal law determined the closing of all universities. In a contradictory measure, the federal government created the Universidade do Rio de Janeiro, currently Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). The alternative to this law was to split the UFPR in several colleges.

Throughout several years, efforts in order to restore the university took place. Only in the beginning of the fifties the colleges were reunited once again in the University of Paraná, its federalization happening just after that, in 1951, when the university became a public and free-of-charge institution.

After its federalization, a process of expansion began with the construction of the Clinic's Hospital (Portuguese: Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná) in 1953, the Reitoria Campus in 1958 and the Polytechnic Center in 1961.

Historical Building

The construction placed in the Santos Andrade Square began to be built in 1913, being a project of the military engineer Baeta de Faria. Its inauguration occurred in 1915.

Seven years later, in 1923, two lateral parts were added, according to the original project. The building of the right sector was ended in 1925 and was designated to the Engineering graduation course. In the following year, the left sector had been finalized and it passed to serve the Dentistry course. Other additions were made to the right side of the building and it has received in its totality new paint in 1940. The building was extended towards XV de Novembro Street and, in 1952, new works in the right section led to the demolition of part of the lateral façade built in 1940.

In 1954, the building occupied a whole block between the Santos Andrade Square, XV de Novembro Street, Presidente Faria Street and Alfredo Bufren Lane. The last modifications were made: a new façade with several columns and a wide set of staircases were projected and the covered dome was eliminated. The inauguration of the neoclassical, 17,000 square meter building, took place in 1955.

In the year on 1999, the mayor of Curitiba signed a law that made this building the official symbol of the city.


Undergraduate Programs

  • Business Administration
  • Agronomical Engineering
  • Architecture and Urbanism
  • Visual Arts
  • Computer Science
  • Biology
  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Social Sciences: Sociology, Anthropology and Political Science
  • Communications: Journalism, Advertising and Publicity and Public Relations
  • Design
  • Law
  • Physical Education
  • Nursery
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Cartographic Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Production Engineering
  • Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology
  • Electrical Engineering (Power Systems, Electronics and Telecommunications)
  • Forestry Engineering
  • Lumber Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Statistics
  • Pharmacy
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • History
  • Languages and Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Industrial Mathematics
  • Medicine
  • Veterinary
  • Music
  • Information Management
  • Nutrition
  • Oceanography
  • Dentistry
  • Pedagogy
  • Psychology
  • Chemistry
  • Technology in Information Systems (3-year course)
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Tourism
  • Zootechnics

Master Programs

  • Agronomy: Vegetal Production
  • Forestry Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Veterinary Sciences
  • Soil Sciences
  • Biological Sciences: Microbiology / Parasitology / General Pathology
  • Entomology
  • Cellular Biology
  • Ecology and Preservation
  • Physical Education
  • Pharmacology
  • Biochemistry
  • Genetics
  • Zoology
  • Botanic
  • Children and Teens Health
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Surgery
  • Internal Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Nursery
  • Geodesic Sciences
  • Geology
  • Geography
  • Coastal and Oceanic Systems
  • Environmental Development
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Information Systems
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Education
  • Anthropology
  • Sociology
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Languages and Literature
  • Design
  • Music
  • Economical Development
  • Business Administration
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Law
  • Numerical Methods for Engineering
  • Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
  • Biotechnological Process
  • Food Technology
  • Inter-disciplinary Themes on Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Political Sciences

Doctoral Programs

  • Agronomy: Vegetal Production
  • Forestry Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Entomology
  • Cellular Biology
  • Pharmacology
  • Biochemistry
  • Genetics
  • Zoology
  • Children and Teens Health
  • Surgery
  • Internal Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Geodesic Sciences
  • Geology
  • Geography
  • Environmental Development
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Education
  • Sociology
  • History
  • Languages and Literature
  • Economical Development
  • Business Administration
  • Law
  • Numerical Methods for Engineering
  • Biotechnological Processes
  • Food Technology
  • Inter-disciplinary Themes on Engineering
  • Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Microbiology, Parasitology and Pathology

Technical High School

Besides the above mentioned courses, it offers high school education through its Technical High School. [1]


Students are admitted by an entrance exam, known as the vestibular, which consists of two parts:

Over 40,000 people apply every year and sit for exactly the same exam. After two weeks time or so, 15,000 are called to take the Part II (or Phase II) written exams.

The wait for the results of Part II is much longer and the results may take something between 4 and 7 weeks. A list with all the admitted candidates comes out usually in the middle of January—on the same day as the Mud-bath Party sponsored by the Central Directory of Students (Portuguese: Diretório Central dos Estudantes, DCE) occurs.


And many more


The university has over 400,000 books and thesis as well as thousand of periodicals that, for now, can't be accessed through its intranet, but will be in the future.

Centro Politécnico
Jardim Botânico
  • UFPR Litoral
  • Archeology and Ethnology Museum of UFPR
Pontal do Paraná
  • Sea Studies Center

Campi Location

in Curitiba:

other cities:


Notable alumni

See also


External links